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Are you homeless or at risk of becoming homeless? Resource Connect Solano can help.
Call 707.652.7311 or email to learn how RCS can help you navigate your housing crisis.
Resource Connect Solano's 2021-2022 Annual Report has been released to the public and can be accessed here.
Are you currently receiving homeless services in Solano County? Have you been discharged from a program or denied housing or services? Have you been discharged from a program or denied housing or services? Do you have a complaint about those services you would like to submit? If so, please submit a completed grievance form to Renee:
The Housing First Solano Continuum of Care (CoC)/CAP Solano JPA Participant Grievance Policy applies to all participants in housing and homeless service programs funded by the CAP Solano JPA and/or the Housing First Solano Continuum of Care (HFS CoC). This policy provides participants with the right to grieve any situation where they are denied housing or services by a program. This covers denials of housing or services because of rule violations, non-compliance with program requirements, or not meeting program eligibility.
The goal of this policy is to provide program participants and service providers with a fair and equitable process. If you are a participant in a JPA/CoC-funded housing or homelessness program in Solano County and have been issued a denial of housing/services from a JPA/CoC-funded agency, you may submit an Appeal Request Form. You may also complete the form to request an investigation if you have a complaint that is not being or has not been addressed through the Participant Grievance Policy.
The participant should complete this form but may be written by someone on the participant's behalf. Any personal information related to the complaint should be submitted with the form. Choosing not to submit personal information may reduce the ability to do further investigation of the grievance. The form and personal information will be kept confidential. The complainant should receive a confirmation of receipt and a date for review of their complaint within 5 business days, not including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
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