Are you homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless as
a result of domestic violence or sexual assault?
Solano Family Justice Center can help.
Call 707.784.7635 (or 707.820.7288 after business hours)
or email sfjcinfo@solanocounty.com to learn how
SFJC can help you navigate your housing crisis.
The Solano Family Justice Center (SFJC) began operating in February 2011 to offer victims of child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse and sexual assault an opportunity to build hope and new futures. The SFJC operates under the auspices of the Solano County District Attorney’s Office and has recently relocated to 604 Empire Street, Fairfield. The District Attorney has indicated her strong support for a violence prevention approach and the partnership between the DA and the SFJC presents a unique opportunity for strengthening the DA's victim advocacy efforts. The Solano Family Justice Center provides the following on-site services:
Contact sfjcinfo@solanocounty.com to learn more. General information about SFJC is available in English and Spanish as well. Please consult the following materials to learn more about:
Homeless Outreach Services
Immigration Services
Referrals for Adult and Child Counseling
Safe At Home Applications
Safety Planning
Victims of Crime/Victim Witness Assistance
Access to Mental Health Services
Access to Domestic Violence Shelter Services
Cash Aid, Cal-Fresh, MediCal Applications
Child Support Services
Confidential Victim Advocacy
Crisis Intervention
DV, EA Restraining Order Applications
Elder Abuse Services